Dominique Coulon
Dominique Coulon, born in 1961 in the Jura, studied architecture in Strasbourg and Paris-Belleville. After graduating in 1989, he founded his office in Strasbourg, in eastern France. In 1991, he won the Villa Medici Hors les Murs and made trips to the United States, Latin America and Europe.
As an architect, Dominique Coulon refuses to be bound by a pre-established method. He would rather explore different ways of approaching a project meant to rethink spaces and usage.
He feeds on the quotidian of a reflexive and philosophical approach to conceive buildings that express a spatial complexity. Considering this complexity as an approach that gives the architect the freedom to compose with the heterogeneity of the project’s data, to construct unity. This way, thanks to an intuitive process that greatly depends on the nature of the place, his architecture is always composed of dynamically imbricated elements.